Responsible or free? Curating oral histories for online dissemination

Responsible or free? Curating oral histories for online dissemination

Date: Wednesday October 25th, 12pm
Location: DH Active Learning Space, Food Science Building 4.58
Presentations last ~45mins, followed by discussion

Responsible or free? Curating oral histories for online dissemination
Penny Johnston

Digital humanists often deal with out-of-copyright materials, archival sources associated with people who are long dead. In this context, digital humanists tend to adopt an “open access” stance to archival material. For example, the Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0 says that digital should be an open space, and that: “[a]nything that attempts to close this space should be recognized for what it is: the enemy.” This talk will problematise this stance in relation to material such as oral histories, which are gathered from living subjects, and discuss some associated ethical conversations in oral history and anthropology.

Presentation Critique by Lorraine Leahy

About the Speaker
Penny Johnston is a digital humanist, an oral historian and an archaeologist. Her doctoral research engaged with the work of a community-based ethnographic/folklore project (the Cork Folklore Project) and looked at the way small cultural heritage organisations participate in the digital world.