Cultural Collaboration and the Digital Repository
When: Wednesday, 26 February 2020, 12 pm
Where: DH Active Learning Space, Food Science Building 4.58
Presentations last ~30mins, followed by a short discussion
Catherine Bourne (Digital Arts + Humanities, UCC)
Catherine’s research focuses on the impact of technology on arts practices, socially engaged art, and arts accessibility in virtual spaces. She is specifically interested in collaboration and community engagement in the digital sphere. For this colloquium Catherine will be discussing her research into participatory digital arts practices as well as her recent collaborative work with the Irish Arts and Culture in Education Research Repository (ACERR) – a virtual space for best practice arts and culture in Irish third level institutions.
About the Speaker
Catherine Bourne is a visual artist, curator and researcher who has a background in arts management and has worked in the Irish and international arts sector for many years in both a creative and administrative capacity. She has previously directed the Bristol Biennial, UK as well as working at the Malakta Art Factory, Finland and the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art. Catherine holds several postgraduate degrees in art, fine art and digital humanities and is currently completing a PhD at UCC, Ireland.