The Sonic Histories of Cork City Project: From Idea to 360° Video
When: Wednesday, 19 February 2020, 12 pm
Where: DH Active Learning Space, Food Science Building 4.58
Presentations last ~30mins, followed by a short discussion
Elaine Harrington, (UCC Special Collections) & John Hough (Music, UCC)
The Sonic Histories of Cork City (SHOCC) Project was formed as an interdisciplinary UCC team investigating what locations and spaces in Cork City might have sounded like in various moments in the city’s past and what the locations and spaces currently sound like in the present. In this presentation Elaine & John will discuss what led them and Dr Jillian Rogers to form the project, how the project works and what the next challenges are.
About the Speakers
Elaine Harrington is Special Collections Assistant Librarian in UCC Library and has over ten years’ experience connecting people with information and teaching them to think critically about such information. Elaine focuses on the varied ways users engage with Special Collections’ services and collections including the necessary skills for effective engagement. Her research interests include teaching as a valid form of research and scholarship, and the role of emerging technologies in a Special Collections context.
John Hough is Senior Technical Officer in UCC’s Department of Music. His research interests include production and postproduction sound for screen media, in particular the use of ambient sound design in film. From 2011-2017 he was a producer for Balcony TV Cork in addition to being a content producer for IndieCork Film Festival and working on short films and arts projects , and has been involved in numerous short films and arts projects at Cork’s MidSummer Festival and Cork’s Film Festival.
Presentation slidedeck at :