Digital Activism through Humanistic Empathy: The Life of Aziz and the Yazidi Genocide

Digital Activism through Humanistic Empathy: The Life of Aziz and the Yazidi Genocide

Second-year Digital Humanities and Information Technology students at UCC have created to document the life of Aziz Alias, an Iraqi man who, along with other members of his family were forced to leave their home village due to the Yazidi Genocide by ISIS in 2013. 

This superb digital project explores the journey Aziz and his family undertook and considers the genocide itself on a broader scale. It was undertaken by a group of eight students who passionately tell this story using digital tools in the hope of producing an accurate representation of Aziz’s life in the digital world and making the wider populace aware of the Yazidi Genocide. It adopts a uniquely personal look at what life is like for refugees in the modern world to inform and hopefully empower our ability to address the global challenges it poses.